WordPress Vulnerability Detected in Header and Footer Plugin Affects Over 1 Million Websites

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A recent report by Search Engine Journal has brought to light a significant vulnerability in the popular WordPress Header and Footer plugin. The vulnerability affects over 1 million websites and puts them at risk of being hacked. The Header and Footer plugin is commonly used by website owners to customize their site’s header and footer sections. However, the vulnerability allows hackers to inject malicious code into websites, potentially compromising user data and site security.

According to security researchers from Wordfence, the vulnerability lies in the plugin’s lack of sanitization on input fields. Hackers can use the plugin to insert malicious code into websites through these input fields. Once injected, this code can be used to steal sensitive information or take control of a website. The researchers urge users of the Header and Footer plugin to update to the latest version, version 1.3.4 or later, to avoid potential security breaches.

Website owners using the Header and Footer plugin are advised to take necessary actions to protect their websites from potential attacks. WordPress website owners are encouraged to stay informed about vulnerabilities and take necessary precautions to ensure their website’s security.

Reference URL: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/wordpress-vulnerability-hits-1-million-using-header-footer-plugin/485712/