Optimized CAC: The Secret to Digital Marketing Success and How Physics Wallah Beat EdTech Giants Byju’s and Unacademy with Low CAC

cost of customer acquisition, low CAC, optimize CAC

Quick Read –

  1. Understanding CAC: Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) is critical for ROI in digital markets, helping businesses optimize spending.
  2. Effective CAC Strategies:
    • Data-driven audience targeting.
    • Social media engagement.
    • SEO optimization.
    • Retargeting campaigns.
    • Landing page enhancements.
    • A/B testing for ad effectiveness.
  3. Common Pitfalls to Avoid:
    • Prioritizing quantity over quality.
    • Neglecting CAC tracking.
    • Failing to adapt CAC strategies to changing market conditions.
  4. CAC Across Industries: CAC varies by industry due to competition, CLV, and market saturation. B2B CAC tends to be higher.
  5. Balancing CAC and Organic Growth: Focus on organic growth, analyze data for efficient spending, experiment with channels, and adapt CAC strategies continuously.
  6. EdTech Low CAC Success: The pandemic increased CAC. Personal and organic brands like “Physicswallah” thrived with low CAC, emphasizing the importance of organic branding in a competitive market.

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In the bustling city of Kerala, there was a small online clothing store called “FashionFiend”. The store targeted young adults and teenagers looking for trendy and fashionable clothing. Mary, the young e-Commerce Startup Entrepreneur, owner of FashionFiend, invested a considerable amount of money in website design, inventory, and advertising to make her store a success.

At first, the website traffic and sales increased, but as time went on, the traffic slowed down, and the sales began to decline. Concerned about the declining sales, Mary reached out to a digital marketing agency for help.

The agency advised Mary to analyze her CAC, the cost of acquiring a customer, which includes the amount of money spent on advertising, marketing, sales, and other promotional activities. Mary realized that her CAC was much higher than she had anticipated, and she was spending a lot of money on Facebook and Instagram ads, which were not converting into sales.

Following the agency’s advice, Mary adjusted her marketing strategy, focusing on email marketing campaigns and collaborating with influencers to promote her products. These changes led to a significant reduction in her CAC, and as a result, her sales began to increase again.

Mary realized that analyzing and adjusting her marketing strategy was crucial for managing her CAC and keeping her sales high. By working with the digital marketing agency, Mary was able to better understand and control her CAC, making FashionFiend a huge success.

Understanding CAC and Why It Matters

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) is a vital metric that businesses use to determine the cost of acquiring a new customer. In digital marketing, where the competition is fierce, understanding and optimizing CAC is crucial to ensure the success of your business. In this section, we’ll delve into what CAC is, why it matters, and how it impacts your company.

What is Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)?

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) is the total cost a business incurs to acquire a new customer. This includes all marketing and advertising expenses, sales commissions, and other associated costs. To calculate CAC, you need to divide your total sales and marketing costs by the number of customers acquired in a given period. This gives you an average cost per customer, which is a valuable metric to measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

CAC is the total cost of sales and marketing activities required to acquire a new customer.
It includes all the costs associated with customer acquisition, such as advertising, sales commissions, and other expenses.

Why CAC is a crucial metric for businesses in digital marketing

Businesses face intense competition, making it essential to measure the effectiveness of their marketing efforts. CAC is a crucial metric that helps you determine the return on investment (ROI) of your marketing campaigns. By analyzing CAC, you can identify the most effective channels and campaigns to acquire new customers, optimize your marketing budget, and increase your ROI.

CAC helps companies to determine the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns and the cost per lead.
It helps companies to evaluate the profitability of their customer base and make informed decisions regarding their marketing strategies.
CAC is also an essential metric for measuring the return on investment (ROI) of marketing campaigns.

How CAC impacts the success of your company

The CAC metric plays a crucial role in determining the success of your business. If your CAC is too high, it can eat into your profit margins and make it difficult to sustain your business in the long run. On the other hand, if your CAC is too low, it can indicate that you’re not investing enough in marketing and may struggle to acquire new customers. By optimizing your CAC, you can strike a balance between cost and revenue and ensure the long-term success of your business.

High CAC can be a red flag, as it indicates that a company is spending more money on acquiring customers than it is generating in revenue.
A low CAC means that a company is acquiring customers at a reasonable cost, which is an indication of a successful marketing strategy.
Understanding CAC is crucial for companies to achieve a balanced CAC spending and drive organic growth.

Effective CAC Strategies in Digital Marketing

In this section, we will explore various strategies that can help you optimize your Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) in digital marketing. CAC is a crucial metric that impacts the success of your business, and reducing it can result in better ROI. We will look at best practices for reducing CAC and improving efficiency, including the role of data analysis and targeting. By implementing these strategies, you can achieve a more balanced approach to spending on CAC and drive organic growth for your business.

Use data analysis to identify and target the right audience

Understanding your target audience is crucial in digital marketing. Conduct a thorough analysis of your existing customers and determine the characteristics that make them ideal customers. Then use this data to create targeted campaigns that resonate with the audience and increase the chances of conversion.

Leverage social media platforms

Social media is a powerful tool for reaching your target audience. Use platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram to connect with potential customers and promote your brand. With careful targeting and personalized messaging, social media can help reduce your CAC significantly.

Implement SEO strategies

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a proven method for increasing organic traffic to your website. By optimizing your website and content for search engines, you can improve your visibility and attract more relevant traffic to your site, resulting in a lower CAC.

Use retargeting campaigns

Retargeting campaigns target customers who have already shown interest in your products or services. By reminding them of your brand and offering personalized incentives, retargeting campaigns can help drive conversions at a lower cost.

Optimize your landing pages

The landing page is where potential customers land after clicking on an ad or a search result. Optimize your landing pages for conversions by including clear calls to action, reducing load times, and creating a seamless user experience.

A/B testing

A/B testing involves creating two versions of an ad or landing page and testing them against each other to determine which version performs better. By experimenting with different ad formats, messaging, and targeting, you can optimize your campaigns and reduce your CAC.

Remember, the key to reducing your CAC and improving efficiency is to continually analyze and optimize your campaigns. By implementing these strategies, you can ensure that your digital marketing efforts are targeting the right audience and driving conversions at a lower cost.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

While customer acquisition cost (CAC) is a crucial metric for businesses in digital marketing, it’s important to manage it properly in order to avoid overspending and maximize ROI. In this section, we’ll discuss common pitfalls that businesses make in managing their CAC and how to avoid them. We’ll also cover common misconceptions about CAC and digital marketing that can lead to costly mistakes.

Mistakes businesses make in managing CAC:

Focusing too much on quantity over quality: While it’s important to acquire new customers, businesses often focus on acquiring as many customers as possible without considering the quality of those customers. This can lead to a high CAC and low ROI.
Not tracking CAC properly: Without proper tracking and analysis of CAC, businesses may not have a clear understanding of which channels and campaigns are driving the highest quality leads and conversions.
Failing to adjust CAC strategy: As market conditions and competition change, it’s important to adjust CAC strategy accordingly. Failing to do so can lead to overspending on channels and campaigns that are no longer effective.

How to avoid overspending on CAC:

Set a realistic CAC target: Before investing in digital marketing, businesses should set a realistic target for their CAC based on industry benchmarks and their own financial goals.
Prioritize channels and campaigns based on ROI: By analyzing data and tracking conversions, businesses can determine which channels and campaigns are driving the highest ROI and prioritize spending accordingly.
Test and optimize: Continuously testing and optimizing campaigns can help businesses improve efficiency and lower CAC over time.

Common misconceptions about CAC and digital marketing:

More spending means more leads: While spending more on digital marketing can lead to more leads, it doesn’t necessarily mean those leads are of high quality or will convert into customers. It’s important to balance spending with ROI.
CAC should be the same across all channels: Different channels may have different CACs based on factors such as competition and target audience. It’s important to analyze each channel separately and adjust CAC strategy accordingly.
CAC is a static metric: CAC can change over time based on market conditions and competition. Businesses should regularly analyze and adjust CAC strategy to maximize ROI.

Organic Growth & Meaningful Digital Marketing

Companies need to focus not only on acquiring customers but also on building brand awareness and loyalty through organic growth strategies. This section will discuss the benefits of organic growth for your company’s CAC, how to create meaningful digital marketing campaigns, and how to balance CAC spending with organic growth strategies.

Benefits of Organic Growth for Your Company’s CAC:

Organic growth refers to the process of building a brand through word-of-mouth, referrals, and other non-paid channels. While it may take longer to see results from organic growth strategies, they can have a significant impact on reducing CAC over time. Here are some benefits of organic growth for your company’s CAC:

Cost-effective: Organic growth strategies such as content marketing, social media marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO) can be more cost-effective than paid advertising, leading to a lower CAC.
Sustainable: Organic growth strategies can help build a loyal customer base, which can lead to repeat business and referrals, resulting in a sustainable business model.
Higher conversion rates: According to a survey by Hubspot, organic search results have a 14.6% higher conversion rate than paid search results, indicating that customers are more likely to convert from organic channels.

How to Create Meaningful Digital Marketing Campaigns:

Creating meaningful digital marketing campaigns requires a deep understanding of your target audience and their needs. Here are some steps to follow when creating meaningful digital marketing campaigns:

Define your target audience: Identify your target audience’s demographics, interests, pain points, and behaviors to create a customer persona.
Set measurable goals: Define clear and measurable goals for your campaign, such as increasing website traffic, generating leads, or improving customer engagement.
Develop relevant content: Create content that is relevant to your target audience and provides value. This can include blog posts, videos, social media posts, and infographics.
Leverage multiple channels: Use multiple channels to reach your target audience, such as email marketing, social media marketing, SEO, and paid advertising.

Balancing CAC Spending with Organic Growth Strategies:

While paid advertising can be effective in acquiring customers, it is essential to balance CAC spending with organic growth strategies to maintain a sustainable business model. Here are some ways to balance CAC spending with organic growth strategies:

Prioritize organic growth: Focus on building brand awareness and loyalty through organic growth strategies before investing in paid advertising.
Analyze data: Use data analysis to identify which channels are driving the most conversions and adjust your CAC spending accordingly.
Experiment with different channels: Test different channels to find the right balance between CAC spending and organic growth strategies. This can include social media, content marketing, email marketing, and SEO.
Monitor and adjust: Continuously monitor your CAC and adjust your strategy as needed to achieve a balanced approach to CAC spending and organic growth.

CAC Differences Across Industries and B2B/B2C Segments

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) can vary widely across industries and B2B/B2C segments. Understanding the factors that affect CAC in different industries and markets can help businesses optimize their marketing strategies and budgeting.

CAC Benchmarks by Industry and Segment

The average CAC can vary significantly by industry and segment. According to a study by Propeller CRM, the average CAC across industries is:

Travel: $7
Retail: $10
Consumer Goods: $22
Manufacturing: $83
Transportation: $98
Marketing Agency: $141
Financial: $175
Technology (Hardware): $182
Real Estate: $213
Banking/Insurance: $303
Telecom: $315
Technology (Software): $395

These numbers can serve as benchmarks for businesses in these industries, but it’s important to note that they may vary depending on the specific market, target audience, and marketing strategies.

Factors That Affect CAC in Different Industries

The factors that affect CAC can vary by industry and segment. Some common factors include:

Competition: Highly competitive industries may require more expensive marketing strategies to stand out and attract customers.
Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): Industries with high CLV may be willing to spend more on customer acquisition, as the long-term value of each customer justifies the higher upfront cost.
Sales Cycle Length: Industries with longer sales cycles may require more resources and investment to close deals, resulting in higher CAC.
Market Saturation: Industries with a limited customer base or saturated market may require more innovative and targeted marketing strategies to reach new customers, resulting in higher CAC.

Understanding the Nuances of CAC in B2B and B2C Markets

CAC can also differ between B2B and B2C markets. In general, B2B CAC tends to be higher than B2C CAC, due to longer sales cycles, higher CLV, and more complex purchasing decisions. However, there are also nuances to consider within each market:


In B2B markets, account-based marketing (ABM) can be an effective strategy for targeting specific decision-makers within companies, but may require more personalized and targeted campaigns, resulting in higher CAC. Other factors that can affect B2B CAC include the size and industry of the target companies, the complexity of the product or service, and the length of the sales cycle.


In B2C markets, high-volume, low-cost marketing strategies such as social media advertising and influencer marketing can be effective for reaching a large audience at a lower cost. However, B2C companies may also face challenges such as lower CLV and shorter attention spans, requiring more frequent and innovative marketing campaigns to maintain customer engagement.

Cost per Lead for B2B Marketing Channels

Understanding the differences in CAC across industries and B2B/B2C segments can help businesses optimize their marketing strategies and budgeting for better ROI. By knowing the specific factors that affect CAC in their industry, businesses can allocate their marketing budget more effectively and target their ideal customers with precision.

Partnering with Kerala Digital Marketing Agency for Balanced CAC and Organic Growth

Partnering with Kerala Digital Marketing Agency can help your company achieve balanced Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) spending while driving organic growth. With expertise in local market dynamics and consumer behavior, Kerala Digital Marketing Agency offers unique strategies for optimizing CAC and achieving organic growth. This section will outline the advantages of working with Kerala Digital Marketing Agency for organic growth strategies and discuss their unique approach to CAC optimization and organic growth.

Achieving Balanced CAC Spending

Kerala Digital Marketing Agency can help your company achieve a balanced CAC spending by optimizing your marketing strategies.
By analyzing your target market, they can identify the most effective channels to reach your audience and allocate your budget accordingly.
This can help you maximize your ROI and avoid overspending on ineffective channels.

Driving Organic Growth

Kerala Digital Marketing Agency has expertise in local market dynamics and consumer behavior, which can be leveraged to drive organic growth for your business.
By developing targeted content and SEO strategies, they can help increase your organic reach and attract more qualified leads.
This can lead to sustainable growth and long-term success for your business.

Unique Approach and Strategies

Kerala Digital Marketing Agency offers a unique approach to CAC optimization and organic growth, focusing on data-driven decision making and continuous improvement.
They use advanced analytics tools and techniques to track and measure the effectiveness of their strategies, and adjust them as needed to achieve optimal results.
This ensures that your marketing efforts are always aligned with your business goals and priorities, and that you are getting the best possible ROI for your marketing spend.

How EdTech Giants Byju’s and Unacademy Lost to Low CAC Competitor Physics wallah

The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns in 2020 caused a significant rise in online learning, making India’s edtech industry one of the fastest-growing in the world. However, this growth also resulted in increased competition and a rise in the cost of customer acquisition (CAC) for edtech companies. Despite this, some brands that had established themselves organically were able to succeed with low CAC. This case study examines the importance of low CAC in the edtech industry and how organic brand-building strategies helped some companies succeed where edtech giants failed.

The Rise in CAC

Before 2020, the CAC for edtech companies in India was around 20 to 25% of revenue, or INR 10,000 to INR 13,000, to convert a student willing to pay INR 50,000. However, by 2020, the CAC shot up to 70 to 80% of revenue, requiring INR 40,000 to convert a student paying INR 50,000. The CAC for K-12 edtech companies varied from INR 10,000 to INR 60,000 per student. This led to thinner margins and losses for many companies.

The Pandemic and Edtech Explosion

The pandemic led to the closure of educational institutions, which led to a boom in online learning. Edtech companies took up losses during this time to get customers habituated to online learning. This led to an increase in ads, discounts, freebies, hiring, funding, and more players entering the market. However, once the pandemic faded, schools and colleges started again, and surplus staff, including teachers and sales teams, were let go. This led to a question of whether the edtech crash was finally here and which players would survive.

The Three Types of Players in the Edtech Industry

Regardless of the size or category of a company in the edtech industry in India, there are three types of players in the space. The first are super brands like Byju’s and Unacademy, which have achieved top-of-mind marketing. The second are funded edtech sellers that don’t have as much recognition as Byju’s but have funding for countless ads. The third and most profitable category in the edtech industry includes personal brands and organically built company brands on social media. Physics wallah is an example of a brand that has organically built a strong presence in the edtech industry and has been successful with low customer acquisition cost (CAC).

Physicswallah has emerged as a well-known brand in the field of online physics education. Its founder, Alakh Pandey, has gained a massive following on social media platforms such as YouTube, where he provides engaging and informative physics lectures to students. The brand’s success is attributed to its organic growth and the high-quality content that it offers to its audience. Physicswallah’s success demonstrates the importance of personal branding and organic growth in the edtech industry.

The Importance of Low CAC and Organic Brand Building

The personal and organically built company brands on social media will always make money and remain profitable. This is due to their irreplaceable brand value, incredible distribution channel, and low CAC. The brand value separates them from a commoditized edtech market, and their distribution channels get students without running ads. Due to the value they provide to their audience, even if they run ads tomorrow, their CAC will be ultra-low. In contrast, funded edtech sellers who don’t have a content machine are the weakest players in the industry and could easily go out of business, even with a million-dollar funding.

Edtech companies in India faced a surge in competition and CAC due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, companies that established their brands organically through personal branding and high-quality content were able to succeed with low CAC. This highlights the importance of low CAC for the success of any business and the effectiveness of organic brand-building strategies in achieving it. By prioritizing these strategies, edtech companies can differentiate themselves, build a loyal customer base, and potentially outperform established players to become leaders in the industry.