Onam, a festival blending mythology, culture, spending, and business growth, has a historical backdrop rooted in the tale of King Mahabali. Celebrated across Kerala, it’s not just a myth; it’s a thriving market with an estimated spending ranging from Rs 10,000 crore to Rs 20,000 crore. This celebration fuels local businesses, product makers, and retailers, revitalizing Kerala’s economy. Advertisers also capitalize on Onam’s commercial importance, with an expected advertising expenditure of Rs 400 crore.
Top 15 Reasons Why Content is King Even During the AI Writers
Embark on a captivating journey to the enchanting land of Kerala, where the power of content reigns supreme. Explore how the Kerala Tourism Department harnessed compelling storytelling, stunning visuals, and engaging multimedia to redefine their brand and captivate the world. Witness the transformation of Kerala into a must-visit destination through their iconic campaign, “God’s Own Country.” Unveil the secrets of effective content creation and marketing, as we delve into best practices and strategies that empower you to dominate the digital realm and achieve remarkable success.